

Media Contact:

American West Insurance Company

1101 1st Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102
(800) 668-4340

American West in the News

Date Title
5/13/2009 2009 Prevented Plant and Claims Update
FARGO, N.D. - Due to recent rain events in the tri-state area and a wet winter season, a series of questions have arisen in regards to prevented plant rules for 2009. Please find attached a prevented plant guideline worksheet outlaying some of the commonly asked questions in the last few weeks. Also, please note that there are prevented plant examples on the RMA website of how prevented plant works for corn & soybeans and how it works in a first crop/second crop situation. These examples can be found at: http://www.rma.usda.gov/news/currentissues/prevented . We are preparing for the elevated number of prevented plant claims within the office by implementing the following procedures: 1. We have begun ImageRight document scanning of previous year FSA maps for critical areas. Agent access to ImageRight scanned documents will be revealed shortly through the www.yourawi.com website. We are going to be imaging starting with the 2009 Loss Paperwork & 2009 FSA Paperwork while choosing to image some previous year data based upon prevented planting needs. (You may not see a lot of images scanned until we enter the main part of the 2009 loss season.) We are in the process of supplying access to our CAP adjusters for the ImageRight Document Scanning System. 2. Prevented Plant 4 Year Eligibility Worksheets have been printed off for agencies based upon localized prevented plant reports. 3. The Eligibility Worksheets have been added to the CAP (Computerized Adjuster Program) and will be available for use in 2009 for our automated adjusters. Another series of field adjusters will be attending a CAP training the second week in June to expand our use of the CAP program in the field by more than double. 4. American West and Nodak Mutual Insurance Group has purchased additional handheld GPS units to help assist measuring prevented plant. These will be issued to the adjusters handling the majority of our PP claims. 5. Field training days are being scheduled for specific prevented plant training in June to assure our adjusters are updated on the most current prevented plant procedures. Based upon the items listed above, we feel we have a good start to handling prevented plant issues this year and we hope that we can put you at ease with the level of service we look to provide this year. There are many questions about prevented plant that are not able to be put into a specific guideline document. We encourage you to call Dorne Meyer or your Area Claims Supervisor with any specific prevented plant scenarios that are not covered in this guideline or on the RMA Prevented Plant webpage. Good luck to you & your farmers, and we'll be seeing you soon! Back to NEWS